Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Too Much Talk - 06.29.11

For all those that know me, my love of talking is clearly apparent. I love to talk and laugh and otherwise discuss matters ranging from those of little significance to those of extreme importance. However, over the years, I like to think that I have become slightly less defensive, less loud, and a bit better at listening too.

Being in a perpetual state of travel and tourism these days has resulted in many, shall we say…interesting conversations with individuals; many of whom I may not necessarily agree with. Recently I got sucked into a conversation with someone passionate about their ideals, but also rigid in their view of right and wrong, and how things should be in general. Strong words such as stupid, wrong, and ignorant were used over and over again. I found myself so tired from trying to politely interject, ask steering questions, and to share a differing point of view in a constructive manner. During the conversation I tried to remain genuine, I shared personal stories about my life, my experiences, and specifically my relation to Israel and Judaism. (For the record, this is a serious improvement from some of the screaming matches I engaged in growing up in conservative Texas.) I left the conversation pondering why people feel the need to fight extremism with extremism.

Afterward, I found myself on my computer re-reading (for perhaps the 20th time) a graduation speech given by author David Foster Wallace, which discusses, quite beautifully, the choices we have in life. I read the familiar words, skipping ahead to the final paragraphs, and felt their weight slide down inside of me, physically calming my nerves and easing tension on my spirit. I felt myself take a deep breath that perhaps I didn’t realize I’d been holding. I am reminded today, again, of the power of words, and of the importance of balance. I am grateful for the reminder to choose to live this life well.

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